How to open superior drummer 2.0 in reaper
How to open superior drummer 2.0 in reaper

Your computer should also bring 2GB RAM to the table. Using Superior Drummer 2.0: the Construct View Finally, Superior Drummer 2.0 runs on all the major DAWs (paid and free) such as Ableton, Logic, ProTools or Reaper. Upon opening Superior Drummer 2.0, you’ll find yourself in the construct view which does exactly what it’s called after: it enables you to put together the drum set of your CHOICE. Simply click on one of the rectangles on the cymbals / drums of the kit and you’ll see a dropdown menu with all instrument options for that particular element. To give you a taste of this variety, consider the range of snare drums: In my opinion, this looks sleek and is as straightforward as it gets.Īnd I capitalized CHOICE, because Superior Drummer 2.0 comes with no less than 52 drum instruments on board. I think this is about as large a range as you can cover on a drum set! And even if you disagree, you still have options – albeit paid ones. You can purchase one of Toontrack’s sound library extensions for Superior Drummer 2.0 or, if you happen to own the previous version of Superior Drummer, you can use its sound library too.Plus: you can make your drum set literally as large as you want.

how to open superior drummer 2.0 in reaper

So no matter if you want to create a drum track for Jazz or Metal – Superior Drummer has got your back. Now that you’ve made your choice in terms of instruments, you can zoom in and modify how a particular instrument is supposed to be played.

how to open superior drummer 2.0 in reaper

The first option is to change the type of sticks that the drums should be played with. Looking at our snare drum choices above again, you’ll notice that some of them show “ALL” in brackets.


  • How to open superior drummer 2.0 in reaper